Tested on the bench of the new firmware and graphical interface software, navigation performance continues to improve, usability is immediate, effective and simple thanks to the AI.

The precursor of the small and cheap AUVs. Flexible and customizable, light, easy and affordable. A smaller and compact 2nd generation device is currently in manufacturing.
Dimensions 2,10 mt length x 12 cm diameter, weight 20kg, maximum operating depht -350 meter, autonomy over 8 hours, depending on working modes.
Full manoeuvrability and hovering with 2 azimuthal thruster and 2 vertical thruster
Mission planning via: waypoints selection/ lawn mower survey /bathymetric navigation/fixed depth navigation, depending on navigation sensors of choice, surface remotely operable via RF link and gamepad.
Fully costomizable with 3D cameras, CTDs, Side Scan Sonars, other AUV-class sensors.
EdgeLab s.r.l. is an high tech SME working on AUV, underwater robotics, sea technologies and sensors. The company mission is to provide innovative equipment and solution responding to customer demand in the above fields. Two fundamental factors enable EdgeLab to pursue its goal: the diversified skill of the partners (coming from the world of scientific research and hi-tech product engineering), which encompasses all the competencies required for conceiving, designing and realizing underwater systems and miniaturized sensor solutions; the expertise in adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to problems, allowing to fuse the skills and focus the efforts in a goal-oriented project plan leading to meet all the application specifications.
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