On August 12, the Vedetta ship consolidated its moorings in Sharm El Sheik in support of the activity of the Multinational Force & Observes (MFO) which has long seen the Navy as a protagonist, engaged on the maritime front to ensure compliance with the Camp David agreements of 1978 and the subsequent Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty of 1979.
The coastal patrol boat, commanded by Lieutenant Ambra Francolini, belongs to the explorer class and depends on the Third Naval Division; After a long stop at the Brindisi naval base, the Unit left on July 24, sailing in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean and crossing the Suez Canal, to arrive in Sinai at the base of the Tenth Coastal Naval Group (COMGRUPNAVCOST 10).

For a few weeks all four units of the Explorer class – Lookout Ship, Relay Ship, Sentry Ship and Explorer Ship – will be deployed to Sinai together for the first time. The presence of the Navy within the maritime component of the MFO, with tasks of presence and surveillance, began in 1982.
With the arrival of the Vedetta ship in the Red Sea, to date, eleven naval units of the Navy are engaged outside the Mediterranean basin in national activities and international missions, in the North Sea, in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, in the Persian Gulf, to protect national interests throughout the Enlarged Mediterranean. A complex of prolonged activities outside the straits that, together with the daily commitment in the waters of the Mediterranean, concretizes the maneuvering scheme of the Armed Forces, consolidating the presence in the areas of strategic interest of the country.

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