Fincantieri NexTech, a Fincantieri Group company, has successfully completed the radar testing campaign of the Omega360 4D full digital radar on board Nave San Marco, a unit of the Italian Navy.
The purpose of the recent test session was to verify the detection, tracking and classification capabilities of air, surface and anti-drone targets in a complex scenario such as that of a front-line naval unit, characterized by electro-magnetic fields generated by other radar and communication systems installed on board, as well as by phenomena such as multi-path and sea clutter.
The Omega360 4D_VS (Volume Surveillance), designed and developed by Fincantieri NexTech at its laboratories in Rome, is a software-defined 4D radar of rapid installation and commissioning, able to adapt to different scenarios by specializing classification software algorithms.
The X-band radar operates in a fixed configuration, with coverage up to 50 kilometers and is able to counter the most complex air and surface threats, in all scenarios of symmetric and asymmetric warfare, as well as public safety.
The radar implements an innovative ubiquitous architecture, unique in its kind, with an omnidirectional transmitting beam and 192 AESA receiving antennas, able to guarantee simultaneously and continuously a coverage of 360 ° in azimuth and over 60 ° in elevation.
As a software defined radar, the Omega360 4D is a versatile and scalable sensor that offers an inherent ability to implement additional tools to meet current and future end-user operational requirements and create new operating modes. The modular architecture adopted and the extensive use of the so-called Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) make Omega360 4D a very robust and reliable system, with high operational availability (reduced Life Cycle Costs), available for naval, fixed and mobile land installations.
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