Cape Horn, 5 April 2024 – This morning at around 07:00 (Italian time) the training ship Amerigo Vespucci, as part of its world tour, rounded Cape Horn, the southernmost hermitage on the American continent known for being one of the most challenging passages on the globe for navigation.
Cape Horn (Cabo de Hornos), is the place where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet. The area is affected by continuous disturbances created by the proximity to Antarctica. These push huge masses of water towards the Drake Strait, where the seabed suddenly changes from 4000 to 100 meters. Cape Horn and Antarctica, therefore, create an obligatory passage for wind and sea, resulting in unique weather conditions.
The passage, which took place for the first time in the more than 90 years of history of the Vespucci, was made possible thanks to careful and meticulous navigation planning and evaluation of weather and sea conditions, which are more than ever essential for the success of the mission.
Rounding Cape Horn is one of the key moments of the world tour, a new page in the “art of navigation” and a new goal achieved in the long history of the Amerigo Vespucci ship. The sailing ship continues its journey in the Pacific Ocean. On April 28, it will enter the port of Valparaiso in Chile.
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