After the release by the Federal Court, late today morning, December 15, the symbolic ceremony of signing the acquisition of the sample lot of Centauri II, which won the international competition of the design of the medium cavalry combat armored vehicle on wheels (VBC CAV – MSR) 8X8, among the Brazilian Army (EB), through the Logistics Command (COLOG) / Material Directorate (DMat), and the Consortium Iveco–OTO Melara (CIO), a joint venture between the Italian companies Iveco Defence Vehicles (IDV) and Leonardo.
The delivery of the two vehicles, with the changes determined in the requirements, is scheduled to take place at the beginning of the next quarter, in Italy, already starting the homologation tests that will enable the acquisition of 98 vehicles, in gradual lots, from 2024 (with local production, at the IDV unit of Sete Lagoas-MG, starting in 2027), according to the initial schedule.
The compensation program (“offset”), with technology transfer, will be started during the deliveries of the lots, the first of which is the local production of ammunition by IMBEL, in its unit of Juiz de Fora (MG), and the development of the simulator by AEL Sistemas.

Article published on Technologia & Defesa
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