More than 7000 miles traveled and over 800 hours of motion: these are the numbers that characterized the participation of the Italian patrol vessel in the European Naval Force in the Mediterranean (EUNAVFORMED) IRINI mission.
After almost two months spent in the waters of the Central Mediterranean, the ship Comandante Bettica has ended its commitment in the aforementioned European operation. On 4 October, under the command of frigate captain Francesco Marangio, the unit had set sail from the port of Augusta, with a crew of about 80 sailors between men and women, becoming part of the Task Force and in particular of the multinational naval device, thus contributing to the safety and freedom of maritime traffic in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
Among the results to be counted during the almost one hundred days of activity: the monitoring of 508 merchant ships, cooperation and training activities with other units of the European navies, including the Greek unit Limnos and the French La Fayette.
The operational activity was also accompanied by diplomatic and representation activities, visits to national and foreign sources including Valletta (MT) and Souda (GR). For the crew of the ship Bettica, an intense mission full of results has come to an end: thanks to the contribution of the Navy, Operation IRINI has contributed to the implementation of the United Nations Resolutions aimed at combating illicit trafficking (weapons, oil and human beings) to and from Libya, ensuring greater security and fewer dangers for free navigation in the Mediterranean.
After the contribution of Nave Bettica, the commitment of the Navy in EUNAVFORMED IRINI continues, with the symbolic passing of the baton to Nave Foscari.

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