The Neptune Strike air-naval exercise will take place from 24 January to 7 February 2022, organized and conducted by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO), in support of the enhanced Vigilance and focused on the presence of aircraft carrier groups in the central Mediterranean, for the projection of aircraft embarked up to the limit of the range, in implementation of the sea-based and expeditionary concepts typical of maritime forces.
The Italian Defense will participate with the naval units included in the NATO Standing Naval Forces, the frigate Margottini (flag ship of the second NATO Permanent Naval Group – SNMG2) and the Viareggio minesweeper (part of the second NATO Permanent Mine Countermeasures Group – SNMCMG2 ).
An Air Force KC 767 refueler with Air to Air Refueling (AAR) duties also participates in the Neptune Strike.
The AAR is the in-flight refueling operation between aircraft. This capability makes it possible to extend the time spent in flight by refueled aircraft.
The Air Force is able to refuel in flight through the Boeing KC767 aircraft supplied to the 14 ° Stormo di Pratica di Mare (RM) and KC-130 supplied to the 46 ^ Air Brigade of Pisa. Furthermore, from 1 to 7 February, the Task Group consisting of the Cavour aircraft carrier (with an on-board aerotactic group), a destroyer of the Doria class, the frigate Marceglia, a refueling unit and a submarine of the U212 class, will join the exercise and, subsequently it will conduct joint training activities in the Central Mediterranean with the naval group of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and with the naval group of the American aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman.